What’s the Craic? 天気は悪いが今日も元気!
☆Vol 2 マイケルん家(ち)☆
マイケルは「Castle Ellen」と名前のつくこの城を1974年に買ったそうです。「Castle Ellen」の歴史は600年前にもさかのぼり、Athenryというその一帯の有力者であったイギリスの貴族Lambertファミリーによって何代も渡って所有されてきたものです。マイケルからもらった案内書きによると、一時期、城内の農地改革が精力的に行われ、城主自ら設計図を引き、農地を耕し、排水施設をつくり、植樹し、温室、シダ園、石庭を作ったそうです。城主は装飾品にお金をかけるより居心地の良い住居空間を作ることに気を使って、扇形の宿泊施設、どんなスポーツもできる芝生のヤード、農場には牛や羊、乗馬の施設を整備し、たくさんのひとをもてなすことに心を砕いたようです。「Castle Ellen」の当時の様子を以下のように伝えています。
[・・・夏の休暇の頃になるとたくさんの人たちがここを訪れ、人々は芝生のコートでテニスやクロケットを楽しみ、美しいドレスに身を包んだ貴婦人たちは花が咲き乱れるold gardenやブナやクリの木の森を散策し、紳士たちは広大な敷地内を車を乗り回したり乗馬やハンティングをして楽しんだ。その後は、芝生の上でのティータイム。そこではいろいろな人が交流しさまざまな情報交換や会話がされて社交の場となった。・・・]
マイケルはその後1974年にこの城を買ったそうです。そのときはもう上記のようなかつての栄華の名残は少しもなく、何年も人が住んでいなかった為にすっかり荒れ果て、窓は壊れ、雨漏りがして、とても人が住めるようなところではなかったそうです。マイケルは家族や友達の助けを得て、定職(今は定年で退職)を持ちながらも仕事の合間を見つけてはもう30年以上もこの城の修復にあたっています。彼の夢は「Castle Ellen」をかつてのような美しい城に修復し、アイルランド文化およびアイルランド語の継承を促進する活動をしたり、芸術家やクラフト職人が交流し、作品を発表したり、文化を生み出すカルチャセンターのような場所にすること。また、エコロジーやスローライフの活動にも力を入れており、特に若い世代の人たちに城を開放し、スピードアップしていく現代生活からすこし離れて不自由ながらも城で昔ながらの生活する体験をしてもらい、大切な事はなにか?とゆっくり考えて生活していく機会を与えて行く活動も「Castle Ellen」でしていきたいことのひとつのようです。
マイケルはおもてなしの名人で、この前、私が行った時はゲートに日本の国旗とアイルランドの国旗が並んでいて、客人が一番初めに入る応接室morning roomと呼ばれる部屋(朝日が一番初めに入ってくる部屋なのでこう呼ばれています)のテーブルの上には桜の枝と彼のお友達である短歌歌人の香川ヒサさんの本が飾ってありました。ちょうど桜の季節だったんです。。このようにその日のゲストによっておもてなしのセッティングも変わるようです。オーストラリア人の友達は自分が行った時はオーストラリアの国旗が飾ってあったよ、喜んでいました。マイケルの城にある不思議な収集品たちはこうして客人をもてなす為のエンタテイメント品、そしてその友達たちが残して行った思い出の品々であるのかもしれません。
先日、Mid Summer Partyに呼ばれて行ってきました。6月21日夏至です。ゴールウェイでは朝4時過ぎから明るくなり始め、夜は11時過ぎまで明るいんです。そのかわり、冬は一日のほとんどが暗いので、この時期はみんなここぞとばかりに夏の夜長を楽しみます。時に6月21日は友達同士で集まり、BBQをしたり、お酒を飲んで一年で一番日の長い日を屋外でたのしみます。マイケル宅でも毎年パーティがあるのですが、それぞれが食べ物やお酒を持ち寄り、ボンファイヤー(焚火)を囲んで歌を歌ったり、踊りを踊ったりします。今年は天気があまり良くなく、肌寒くもあったのですがたくさんの人たちが集まりました。近所の人たち、城内に住んで修復を手伝いながら自分のアートにいそしんでいる芸術家、写真家、陶芸家、ビジネスマンといろいろです。マイケルの友達は老いも若きも、男も女も、国籍も職業も色々で、毎回おもしろい個性的な人たちに会えます。
「Castle Ellen」修復にはなかなか時間がかかるようで、わたしが初めて訪れてから現在まで、一進一退、3歩進んで2歩下がる的な歩みで、あまり変わったようには見えませんが、人が住めなかった城を少なくともマイケル自身が住めるようになっていることはかなりの進歩なのでしょう。。でも失礼ながらマイケルの歳を考えると早くなんとかしてし欲しいなぁ。。。と老婆心ながら思っています。
Thank you for everyone who gave us supports to hold the citywide event [Galway For Japan Day]. I would like to give a report of the event, finished successfully.
Thursday 26th May 2011
[RTE 2FM Radio Breakfast with Japan (Hector)]
This program was set off by the offer from famous presenter Hector to dedicate his 2 hours program for Japan and support Japan from Ireland. All of the topics of the program were about Japan except news. During the live broadcast, we got massive number of messages from listeners who have stories related to Japan from home and abroad through text, twitter and e-mail. The Ambassador of Irish Embassy in Tokyo, H.E.Mr. John Neary and the owner of the Irish pub in Tokyo “The Irish Times” Mr. Kenichi Katsumata gave us comments and messages from Japan on the spot broadcasting. The mutual communication between Ireland and Japan was realized.
After that, the former director of The St. Nicholas Collegiate Church, Rev. Patrick Towers who have lived in Sapporo for 9 years and Yoshimi Hayakawa from WA CAFÉ joined the live broadcast and noticed the event and talked about Japanese culture, having `Japanese Breakfast with Hector`.
[Interfaith service in The St. Nicholas Collegiate Church; pray for Japan and the world peace / Origami crane presentation]
About 150 people attended the interfaith service include Mayor of Galway, Charge d’Affair Mr.Kitagawa from The Japanese Emabssy, 30 children from St. Nicholas Parochial School which is Protestant, 30 children from St. Patrick’s Primary School which is Catholic, and the citizens of Galway. After the speech of Mayor and Mr. Kitagawa, Mayor representing citizens of Galway presented thousand origami cranes (sembazuru) to Charge d’Affair Mr. Kitagawa representing people in Japan by organising of Rev. Gary Hastings.
Crane is symbol of long life and loyalty in Japan. The Crane is one of the holy creature and said to live for a thousand years and have one partner for their life. An ancient Japanese legend promises that anyone who fold a thousand origami cranes will be granted a wish by a crane, such as long life or recovery from illness or injury.
Thousand origami cranes were made of green colour, which symbolizes Ireland, with messages from Galway citizens. The thousand origami cranes will be contributed to suitable place by FM broad casting, “bayfm” which supported and promoted 「Galway for Japan Day」 from Tokyo side.
After the presentation ceremony, each priest of Catholicism, Protestant, Muslim and Buddhism, who live in Galway, offered prayer for reconstruction of Japan and the peace of world in each style. Every priest mentioned following word and each scripture. We are deeply having sympathy with people in Japan who troubled by the earthquake and tsunami and we are with Japanese in spirit. That is natural to support people who are in need as a human being. We pray devoutly for reconstruction of Japan and world peace in one united body. Especially, Muslim priest mentioned that Japan supported on a large scale after earthquake in Pakistan and recite the Koran. After that, beat of a Buddhist wooden drum and Heart Sutra recitation echoed in the church.
We had a moment of silence prayer and shook hands with each other as a form of friendship.
At last, the member of Galway Japanese Community sang Japanese songs “Uewomuite Arukou (I look up when I walk down)” and “Sampo (Stroll)” from “My Neighbor Totoro” to accompaniments of Japanese musicians.
All Day
[Latin Quarter; Galway City Centre]
Many shops were favorable and hoisted the Japanese national flags inside or outside of their shops and placed a donation box. The Society of Commerce and Industry in the centre of Galway “Latin Quarter” decided that pubs and restaurants donate part of the sales of the day. Shops offered spot prise for the raffles in the charity live at night. When we asked them for support, everyone showed thier supports.
On the day, some restaurants donated all the sales of special Japanese menu, includes sashimi, sushi, miso soup cooked by chefs in each restaurants.
[Japanese Arts and Cultural Showcase in Kellys Bar]
Tatami mats was spread all over the floor by martial art clubs.
First of all, Japanese tea ceremony was performed by Tomomi Sweeney came from Dublin.
Next, Japanese musicians Ken and Mayo played guitar and fiddle to Japanese songs such as “Sakura”, “Furusato”, “Tokyo Ondo”, Tsubasa wo Kudasai (Wings to fly)” .
After that, the performance by different kind of Japanese martial arts clubs, Aikido, Jujutsu, Judo and Kendo, wormed up the event.
At the same time on the loft of the pub, there were workshops of origami, calligraphy and tattoo face painting and for shiatsu massage set up by Japanese community members.
A lot of Japanese culture was showed and the pub was packed with children and adults.
[Demonstration by Kendo club in front of The Kings Head Pub]
Even though this demonstration wasn’t advertised a lot, many “samurai” with bamboo sword and protective gear attracted many people in shop street. Audience were amazed at their yelling, straightened back, the proper interval for one-step one-strike, harmonized performance, Samurai spirits of good manner and etiquette. After the demonstration, they got a big ovation.
[Haruhi Dance in front of The Kings Head Pub]
Young people from Japan on working holiday visa and the member of the Anime and Manga society of NUI Galway performed Haruhi dance, which is famos from Japanese Anime cartoon “Harehare Yukai”, they danced in cosplay(costume play) and yukata. Many people were there on their way home and stopped by and watching this unexpected performance dance, so many of them girdled around and took pictures and videos. It has been on youtube already. They performed again as an encore and got an ovation.
[Poetry readings In Galway City library by Over the Edge]
With having warm thought of Kevin Higgins, the organiser of Galway poetry reading society “Over the Edge”, the part of poetry readings devoted to mourn victims of the earthquake and tsunami.
Irish poet, Seamus Scanlon, Angela Carr and Rita Ann Higgins gave readings of poems and Japanese Tanka poet, Karan Kurose, joined from London and read his tanka.
Also two tanka written by Hisa Kagawa for especially for today have also being read by Karan. Hisa Kagawa visits Galway every year and she has held few collaboration poetry readings with local poets.
A rainbow has bridged
going on the air
Galway to Japan
after the massive Tsunami
友情のJAPAN DAY 思えばゴールウェイの海の光が押し寄せてくる
Sunlight of Galway Bay
has shined into
as a friendship of JAPAN DAY
moved me deeply
[Charity Gig; Love Biscuits in The Kings Head Pub]
The legendary 80’s cover band “Love Biscuits” re-grouped for the day for the first time after long time.
The pub was packed with people and also many musicians who came to see the legendary band. Their performance was speedy and powerful with songs, which include “Turning Japanese” and “Japanese Hornpipe”.
Thank you so much for your kindness, Barry Duffy, Kevin Duffy, Hugo Smith and Turlough Moore!!
Also Thank you for your huge and generous support, Paul Grealish -san ( the owner of Kings Head Pub)!!
This event Galway For Japan Day was realized with warm supports from a lot of people include the Galway Mayor, local businesses, religious organizations, School officials and citizens of Galway. In addition, the united teamwork of Japanese living in Galway and their wish to do something for own country brought the event huge success.
A total of about 6,000 Euros have been donated so far ( 21 June 2011). This money will be sent to Japanese Red Cross through the Embassy of Japan in Ireland.
We Galway Japanese Community and Galway people hope that the donation will be sent to right place where is needed as soon as possible and will help people and country to recover as safe and peace it was . Also we hope that this bridge between Galway to Japan will keep being building.
Report by Yoshimi Hayakawa Translation by Sanae Arioka